Besides reading living books that make them feel they are THERE, and of the course the ultimate geography experience: travel, we have our children do a geography project that uses the form below as a guide and in the ends looks like a notebook full of information they've learned as they independently study. I loved the ideas I gleaned from Around the World in 180 Days by Sherrie Payne, but I needed it a little more simplified. If you want to expand on this idea look up her program!
World Geography Notebook
Each continent will require a map page and at least 4 more pages of information. Please do not copy and paste any information. You can use short quotations if you cite them properly, but for the most part put the information in your own words. For each continent, do the following:
1. Draw and label a map of this continent (include landforms, rivers, countries and cities, and climate).
2. Give a brief overview of the history of this continent.
3. Tell about the dominant religions and how they have impacted the cultures of the continent.
4. Tell about 3 key people from this continent (historical or political figures, artists, scientists, church leaders).
5. Tell about some of the current events or issues affecting this continent (political, social or religious).
Antarctica (make adjustments to above requirements as needed)
South America
North America